Getting Google Reviews – Best Practices
After sending millions of review requests via text and email, we’ve made some very interesting discoveries about the businesses that have gathered hundreds and even thousands of Google reviews and referrals through the Five Star Review System. Here are the 8 most important things you can do to get reviews and referrals for your business.

Ask a lot of customers to write reviews and ask at the peak of their happiness

If you’re waiting for your customers to express their happiness before you ask them to write a review, you’re missing out. Take initiative and ask when they’re at the peak of their happiness.
If you’re unsure about how happy your customers are with your service, ask: “How did everything go today?”, “Were you happy with how everything was handled?”, or “Is there anything else I can do for you before you go?”. There are hundreds of different ways to discover if your customer is happy with your service.
The more cutstomers you ask to write a review, the more reviews you’re going to get.
Make sure that the person who asks for the review is likable and confident
Attitude is everything. If your customers don’t like you or see you as indifferent, they are highly unlikely to write a 5-star review for you. On the other hand, if they like you because you made them feel: comfortable, listened to, important, smart, and worthy of your time and attention, they’ll go out of their way to write a 5-star review for you.
Don’t just ask. Ask like you mean it. When your customer knows how important their publicly visible, honest and genuine assessment of your business is to you, they are far more likely to honor your request. If you ask like you don’t really care one way or the other, your customer won’t care either.

Attitude is everything. If your customers don’t like you or see you as indifferent, they are highly unlikely to write a 5-star review for you. On the other hand, if they like you because you made them feel: comfortable, listened to, important, smart, and worthy of your time and attention, they’ll go out of their way to write a 5-star review for you.
Don’t just ask. Ask like you mean it. When your customer knows how important their publicly visible, honest and genuine assessment of your business is to you, they are far more likely to honor your request. If you ask like you don’t really care one way or the other, your customer won’t care either.
Ask for reviews on Google specifically…and explain why you’re asking

The Five Star Review System allows you to send your customers to any review site you want (excluding Yelp due to their review policy). If you provide customers with multiple review site choices, like Facebook or Direct To Us, they may attempt to review you on those sites rather than on Google. You need to make it clear that you would like for them to review you on Google.
It’s a great idea to have additional review sites available for customers who can’t or don’t want to write a Google review. Your goal is to get everyone to try to write a review on Google rather than leaving a review on another site. If your customer likes you and knows that writing a review on Google is important to you, they’ll take the time and make the effort to review you on Google.
And here’s a bonus tip. If you explain why you’re asking your customer to write a review for you on Google, no matter what the reason, they’re up to 30% more likely to do so. “The reason I ask, is because when you write a review on Google, it gives others an opportunity to learn about our business through your experience.”
Let customers know that you’re looking forward to reading their comments
This is probably the easiest thing you can do to increase your reviews by 20% and it only takes 4 seconds. When a customer knows that you (or your boss) are looking forward to reading their comments, they’re far more likely to write a review because they don’t want to let you down.
“Thank you for offering to write a review for us on Google Gary. I’m really looking forward to reading your comments and I know the owner is too.”
ALWAYS send the review request by email…and sometimes by text too
You’ll find the reason for this fascinating. You may have read the headline above and thought it was written 10 years ago, but here we are, in the year 2018 and email is still king when it comes to getting Google reviews. How can I make this statement with such confidence? Because I see the results of our subscribers, who have sent millions of both email and text requests.
The Five Star Review System allows you to send a review request to your customer by text, email or both.

You’ll find the reason for this fascinating. You may have read the headline above and thought it was written 10 years ago, but here we are, in the year 2018 and email is still king when it comes to getting Google reviews. How can I make this statement with such confidence? Because I see the results of our subscribers, who have sent millions of both email and text requests.
The Five Star Review System allows you to send a review request to your customer by text, email or both.

When you send a request by text, your customer will immediately get your text message. Unfortunately, even though almost everyone will open your text message right away, they’ll probably not be in a position to write a review…and many customers will not remember to come back to your text when they have the time to respond. This is why we call texting One-And-Done. You usually get only one shot at a review when you send a request via text only.
When you send a request by email, you immediately have a huge advantage. The vast majority of your customers will get your email just as quickly on their phones, and they’ll also be able to open it on their computers, where it’s even easier to write a review.
However, as with a text message, not everyone will be in a position to write a review as soon as they open your email. But there’s one big, review-getting difference when you send your request by email (or email and text) and your customer does not respond immediately. The system will send them an email reminder which generates 30% more reviews.
The reminder is not sent when you send a request by text only and that will reduce your Google reviews by 30%. This is a BIG deal.
The best and most effective way to get Google reviews is to ALWAYS get verbal permission to send the request by email and then (and only then) say: “I can send the request to you by text too. Would you like for me to do that?”
Never assume that it’s OK to text everyone. Some customers consider texting private and will view unsolicited texts as pushy or intrusive.
The second reason to send your request by email has to do with your flyer. To take advantage of this wonderful referral tool, you must send your review request by email (or email and text). The system does not send marketing materials to your customers by text as that is still considered bad form. Your customer will only receive your digital flyer, to share it with family and friends, if you email the request.

To get the most Google reviews and referrals, ALWAYS send your request by email and include a text request only if your customer does not have an email address or if he/she indicates that they want it by text too.
Send requests while your customer is with you
ALWAYS send a review request while your customer is standing in front of you or while you’re on the phone with them. Nothing will have a bigger impact on the number of Google reviews you generate than this one tip. Send your requests while you’re engaged with your customers and they are 4 times more likely to write a review. Let that number sink in for just a minute. It will increase the number of customers who will leave a Google review by 400%!

ALWAYS send a review request while your customer is standing in front of you or while you’re on the phone with them. Nothing will have a bigger impact on the number of Google reviews you generate than this one tip. Send your requests while you’re engaged with your customers and they are 4 times more likely to write a review. Let that number sink in for just a minute. It will increase the number of customers who will leave a Google review by 400%!
The people getting the most “Referrals” ask for them

The Five Star Review System does an amazing job of helping you generate reviews on sites like Google but its ability to acquire referrals is even more impressive.
If you want to take full advantage of your system, take an extra 10 seconds to ask your customer if you can send them your digital flyer to share with their family and friends. You’re not going to ask everyone, but you certainly want to ask any customer who is gaga over your service.
Once you start using the referral tool properly, you’ll quickly discover that it’s way more valuable in terms of generating new business than even Google reviews.
Call customers immediately to thank them for writing a review

If you really want to supercharge the sharing of your flyer and convert your fans into Raving Fans, make the effort to immediately call your customer and say “thank you” for writing a review. Not only will the call will be deeply appreciated but your customers will be far more likely to share your flyer.
Nothing you can do, including sending handwritten notes or texts, will have the same impact as calling them personally. If they’re not available when you call, leave a message. The goal is to thank them immediately and in a manner that makes them feel special.
The Psychology of a Google Review Request
If you want to see and hear how the businesses with the most Google reviews and referrals are asking their customers to write a review and refer them to their friends, click on the link below. This script has been tested and proven to generate the most Google reviews and referrals and it will give you insight into the psychology of an effective review request.