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Join us as we monitor the world of reviews, referrals and customer service. We discuss what’s important to grow your business.

Secrets Of A Review Industry Insider (1)

Secrets Of A Review Industry Insider (1)

Review software is a game-changer, but it can also turn into a hot mess faster than you can say “user error.” Hundreds of companies now offer the ability to send review requests. They offer an array of features and price points. When it comes to the real differences between these systems, unintended consequences may be what separates the winners from the losers.

Why Your Google Reviews Are Not Showing Up

Why Your Google Reviews Are Not Showing Up

We occasionally receive calls from business owners telling us that their Google reviews are not showing up. Most of these calls are from businesses that are not using the Five Star Review System to generate Google reviews, but…

Getting Google Reviews – Best Practices

Getting Google Reviews – Best Practices

After sending millions of review requests via text and email, we’ve made some very interesting discoveries about the businesses that have gathered hundreds and even thousands of Google reviews and referrals through the Five…

How To Ask For A Google Review Script

How To Ask For A Google Review Script

This script (in red) has been tested and proven to be the most effective way to generate Google reviews and referrals with the Five Star Review System. It’s short and easy to remember. Don’t try to memorize the script word for…

Five Deadly Customer Review Mistakes

Five Deadly Customer Review Mistakes

There are enormous benefits to having genuine 5-star customer reviews on the Internet. They include:

• Higher position on search engines and review websites…

“Google and Trust” Review Strategy

“Google and Trust” Review Strategy

In order to get reviews on any website (including Google) you’ll need to do three things. Provide review-worthy service. No one will write a 5-star review unless they feel you’re worthy of a 5-star review. Patients are three…

How To Ask For A Review

How To Ask For A Review

When Asking For A Review, Here’s What You Need To Know Always get permission before sending a review request Ask at the peak of your customer’s happiness with your service Let your customer know that you’re…

Sending A Review Request Via SMS

Sending A Review Request Via SMS

It has never been easier to send customers a review request via text message. This is a fantastic and robust solution to get your review requests into the hands of customers who only communicate via their mobile phones. If you…

I Only Want Google Reviews

I Only Want Google Reviews

So you only want Google reviews. I’m going to show you five specific things you can do with the Five Star Review System to get ONLY Google reviews. Before I do, please allow me to list some of the reasons why I think this is not…

Another Reason Google Filters Reviews

Another Reason Google Filters Reviews

Google is now allowing Google Plus users to look at the reviews they’ve written to see which reviews (if any) are being filtered from public view. You cannot see reviews that are being filtered by people who have written…

How To Remove A Google Review That You’ve Written