How To Change Your Review Request Default Message
Changing The Review Request Message FAQs
Can I change who the review request comes from?
You cannot change who the review request comes from unless you change the owner/manager settings. When you change the owner/manager setting, that will change the information for all of your customers.
Why do I have to use certain tabs in my message?
You must use these tabs in the initial message because those same tabs are used in future correspondence which will be sent from the owner/manager. This includes the reminder email and the coupon/flyer email.
How do I add a tab to my message?
In order to add a tab to your message, just place your cursor where you want the tab to appear in your message and click on the tab.
Why do the tabs have strikethroughs on them?
The Strikethough on the tab indicates that this tab has been used at least once in your message. You can use a tab more than once.
Where does the information in the tab come from?
customer_first_name]: Review Process>Request New Review page – When you fill in the customer’s first name
[company]: System Settings>Business Information Settings page
[phone]: System Settings>Business Information Settings page
[manager_full_name]: System Settings>Owner/Manager Settings page
[manager_title]: System Settings>Owner/Manager Settings page
[review_link=Write Your Review Here]: From the text after the = sign. You can edit this text.
How do I save my new default message?
Once you’ve written your new message, click on the “Save as new default message upon submission” box and send your first message.
You must send the message to a customer or yourself before the system saves it as your default message.
Why doesn’t the customer’s name show up when I preview my message?
In order for your customer’s name to show up when you preview the message, you must add person’s name that you are sending the request to in the “First Name or Nickname” form field at the top of the Request New Review page.
Can I change the Write Your Review Here text to read something else?
Yes. You can edit the text after the = sign and that will become your new link text leading to the page where your customers rate your service. This link does not work in preview mode.
How do I reset the original system message?
You can always use the original system default message by clicking “Click to restore SYSTEM default message.“